Can You Reheat Breast Milk Twice? Avoid Common Mistakes

Can you reheat breast milk twice

Key Points

  • The article explains that reheating breast milk more than once is not recommended due to nutrient loss and bacterial growth risks.
  • Ideal reheating should be done only once and within two hours. Freshly expressed milk is best, but sometimes reheating is necessary.
  • Safe methods include warm water baths or bottle warmers, avoiding microwaves and stovetops.
  • Reheated milk should be used within 1-2 hours and never refrozen.
  • Refreezing or refrigerating warmed milk is discouraged to prevent health risks to the baby.
  • Safety precautions and alternatives like planning ahead or feeding directly from the breast are also discussed.

Every mom strives to provide the most nutritious and safe nourishment for their baby. Breast milk is nature’s perfect food for babies, offering a unique blend of nutrients, antibodies, and immunity-boosting factors. But what happens when you have leftover expressed milk? Can you reheat breast milk twice? How many times is it safe? This question can be a source of confusion for many mothers.

The short answer is it’s generally not recommended. While there’s no definitive “do not reheat” rule, experts advise limiting reheating to once, maybe twice at most, for the sake of your baby’s health and the milk’s quality. Here’s a detailed look at the safety and potential risks associated with reheating breast milk, along with tips for maximizing its benefits for your little one. This article will answer all your questions.

Why Reheat Breast Milk?

While offering freshly expressed milk is always ideal, there might be situations where reheating becomes necessary. Here are some common reasons:

  • Planning ahead: You can express milk in advance and store it for later use, allowing for more flexibility in your feeding schedule.
  • Night feedings: Having pre-pumped milk on hand minimizes nighttime disruptions for both you and your baby.
  • Missed feeding cues: Sometimes, babies don’t show hunger cues right away. Reheating expressed milk ensures a ready supply when they are finally ready to eat.
  • Baby falls asleep: If your baby falls asleep during a feeding or doesn’t finish the bottle, reheating allows you to avoid wasting precious milk.
  • Engorgement relief: If you’re experiencing breast engorgement, pumping can provide relief. Reheating the expressed milk allows you to offer it to your baby later.
Can You Reheat Breast Milk Twice

So, Can You Reheat Breast Milk Twice?

The safest answer is no, you shouldn’t reheat breast milk twice. While reheating once is generally okay, doing it again can decrease the nutrients in the milk and increase the chance of bacteria growth, which could make your baby sick.

Think of it like this: reheating is a bit like cooking something twice. It might still be safe to eat, but some of the goodness might be lost. The quality might not be the same as fresh food.

For your baby’s health, it’s best to warm breast milk only once and use it within 2 hours.

Also Read: How Many Times Can You Reheat Breast Milk? Expert Tips for Every Mom

When is it Safe to Reheat Breast Milk?

While reheating once is generally considered safe, it’s best to avoid reheating breast milk multiple times. Here’s an overview of safe reheating practices:

StorageReheatingUse Within
Freshly expressed (room temperature)Once within 4 hoursN/A
Refrigerated (thawed)Once2 hours after reaching room temperature
Frozen (thawed)Once1 hour after reaching room temperature

Best Ways to Reheat Breast Milk

Gentle, even heating is crucial to preserve the valuable nutrients and antibodies present in breast milk. Here are two safe and effective methods:

Can You Reheat Breast Milk Twice - Best way

1. Warm Water Bath:

  • Fill a bowl or pot with warm water (around 100°F or 38°C).
  • Place the container holding the breast milk (never directly heat the bottle) in the warm water bath.
  • Swirl the container gently until the milk reaches the desired temperature. This can take 10-15 minutes for frozen milk.
  • Test the temperature on your wrist before feeding. It should feel lukewarm, not hot.

2. Bottle Warmer:

  • Choose a reputable, regulated bottle warmer specifically designed for breast milk.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using the warmer.
  • Test the milk temperature after warming, ensuring it’s not too hot.
Can You Reheat Breast Milk Twice by Bottle Warmer

Avoid these methods:

  • Microwave: Microwaves can heat breast milk unevenly, creating hot spots that can burn your baby’s mouth. They can also damage some heat-sensitive nutrients.
  • Stovetop: Direct heat can destroy valuable nutrients in breast milk.

Precautions When Reheating Breast Milk

  • Always check the expiration date on commercially available breast milk.
  • Inspect the milk for any discoloration or foul odor before reheating. Discarded any milk with an “off” smell or appearance.
  • Never reheat leftover milk from a bottle feeding.
  • Discard any unused warmed milk after one hour.
  • Don’t refreeze thawed or reheated breast milk.
  • Do not bring breast milk to a boil. This destroys valuable nutrients and antibodies.

How Long Can You Keep Reheated Breast Milk?

As mentioned earlier, once you’ve warmed refrigerated or frozen breast milk, any leftover portion not consumed within 1-2 hours should be thrown away. Bacteria can multiply rapidly at room temperature, posing a health risk to your baby.

Reheating Breast Milk Precautions

Can You Put Breast Milk Back in The Fridge After Warming?

No, you should never refreeze or refrigerate breast milk that has already been thawed or warmed. This is because each time breast milk is exposed to fluctuating temperatures, it increases the risk of bacterial growth and nutrient loss. Discard any leftover warmed milk after one hour and consider offering fresh or newly thawed milk for the next feeding.

When Shouldn’t I Reheat Breast Milk?

  • Milk has been thawed for more than 1 hour. Discard any leftover thawed milk after an hour.
  • If the milk has been at room temperature for more than 4 hours (freshly expressed) or 2 hours (refrigerated).
  • If the milk has been frozen for more than 6 months.
  • If the milk has a foul odor or has changed color significantly.
  • If the baby is immune-compromised or has a weakened immune system. In such cases, consult your pediatrician for specific feeding recommendations.

Alternatives to Reheating:

  • Plan ahead: If possible, anticipate your baby’s feeding needs and prepare or thaw milk beforehand to avoid the need for reheating.
  • Offer room-temperature milk: While not always ideal, especially for newborns, room-temperature milk is generally safe within the recommended storage times (4 hours at room temperature).
  • Consider feeding directly from the breast: If your baby is old enough and you can, breastfeeding directly offers the most benefits and avoids any storage or reheating concerns.

Additional Tips:

  • To avoid wasting milk, consider offering smaller portions initially and warming more if needed.
  • If you’re unsure about the safety of your breast milk, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and discard it.
  • Consult your pediatrician or a lactation consultant for any specific concerns or questions you may have regarding breast milk storage and reheating.

Final Words

So, can you reheat breast milk twice? By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your baby receives the full benefits of breast milk, even when it’s not freshly expressed. However, it’s always recommended to prioritize offering fresh or newly thawed milk whenever possible. Breastfeeding resources and lactation consultants can provide additional guidance and support for safe and effective breast milk storage and feeding practices.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your pediatrician or lactation consultant for personalized guidance on storing, reheating, and feeding your baby breast milk.


What to do with leftover breast milk in a bottle?

Some people, including lots of moms, think it’s fine to put an unfinished bottle of milk back in the fridge to heat up later for your baby’s next meal. But, there’s no clear proof if this is totally safe. If your baby doesn’t finish the milk next time, it’s best to throw it away.
Here’s a simple rule: Don’t leave a half-full bottle of milk sitting out at room temperature for more than 30 minutes to an hour. We’re not sure if it’s completely safe to do this either, though.

Why can’t you use leftover breast milk?

If you have some leftover breast milk, it’s best not to put it back in the fridge for later or refreeze it. See, breast milk can grow bacteria if it sits out too long. And our little ones, they’re more likely to get sick from germs because their immune systems are still developing. So, let’s stick to the safety rules for breast milk to keep our babies healthy and happy!

Is it bad to shake breast milk?

Lots of people think shaking breast milk can mess up its good stuff, like all the important nutrients. They say it’s better to just swirl it around gently. But here’s the scoop: there’s no real proof that shaking hurts the milk or that swirling is better. So, feel free to shake it up if that’s what works for you! Just make sure you mix it well when you’re getting it ready.

Can I pump into the same bottle all day?

When you pump milk, it’s good to know it stays fresh for about 4 hours if you leave it out at room temperature. So, if you need to pump more during that time, you can use the same bottle. But remember, once those 4 hours are up, you have a couple of choices. You can either feed the milk to your baby right away, or you can put it in the fridge or freezer for later. It’s like a little window of time where the milk is safe to use, and after that, it’s best to store it properly to keep it fresh.


  1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
  2. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):
  3. Is Reheating Breast Milk Safe? –
  4. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM):
  5. Is It Safe to Reuse Breast Milk? –
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