Teeth Whitening While Breastfeeding: Is It Risk-Free?

teeth whitening while breastfeeding
Photo: drmichaels.com

Key Points

  • The article explains the safety of teeth whitening while breastfeeding. Teeth whiteners work through peroxide-based or non-peroxide ingredients. Hydrogen peroxide is safe with minor precautions.
  • It is noted that teeth whitening is generally safe during breastfeeding due to minimal absorption and quick breakdown of whitening agents. Moms are advised to consult their dentist before any treatment.
  • Whitening pens are generally safe, but dentist advice is recommended.
  • Professional treatments, at-home kits, and natural methods are available options for lactating mothers.
  • The article suggests safe whitening methods and tips for maintaining oral hygiene, ensuring a healthy smile while prioritizing the baby’s safety.

Becoming a mom is really a joyful experience. But it also comes with its share of questions. Especially for new moms. One big question that often comes up is whether it is okay to whiten your teeth while breastfeeding. After all, having a bright smile can really boost your confidence. And who wouldn’t want to feel extra radiant after giving birth?

Let’s dive into the topic of teeth whitening while breastfeeding. We will address your concerns and provide you with clear and easy-to-understand information. We will talk about how teeth whiteners actually work, what is in breast milk, and the safety of different teeth whitening methods for moms who are breastfeeding.

How Exactly Do Teeth Whiteners Work?

Teeth can get stained from things like coffee, tea, and red wine, as well as from smoking. Teeth whiteners tackle this by using two main types of ingredients:

  1. Peroxide-based whiteners: These are the most common and usually contain carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide breaks down into smaller molecules that go into the enamel and dentin layers of your teeth. These molecules then break down the stain molecules and make your teeth look whiter.
  2. Non-peroxide whiteners: These usually have mild abrasives or polishing agents that physically scrub away surface stains. They are not as strong as peroxide-based whiteners. But they can be a good option if you have sensitive teeth.
How Exactly Do Teeth Whiteners Work. teeth whitening while breastfeeding
Photo: breastfeeding-problems.com

Can I do Teeth Whitening while Breastfeeding? Safety First!

The good news is that whitening your teeth is generally considered safe while breastfeeding. Here’s why:

  • Minimal absorption: Not much of the whitening stuff actually absorbed into your bloodstream. Most of it stays on surface of your teeth.
  • Short exposure: You do not keep the treatment time with whitening strips or gels on your teeth for very long. Which means there is less chance of it getting into your system.
  • Quick breakdown: Even if a tiny bit does get swallowed, your body breaks it down fast. So it does not end up in your breast milk in any significant amount.

Still, it is always a good idea to talk to your dentist before undergoing any teeth whitening treatment while breastfeeding. They can look at your specific situation and give you the best advice.

What’s in Breast Milk, Anyway?

Breast milk is like liquid gold – it’s perfectly made to give your baby everything they need to grow big and strong. It’s got:

  • Macronutrients: These include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which provide your baby with energy for growth and development.
  • Micronutrients: These include vitamins, minerals, and trace elements essential for various bodily functions.
  • Antibodies: These are proteins that help protect your baby from infections.
What's in Breast Milk
Photo: familyandconutrition.com

Most stuff that gets into your bloodstream does not get into your breast milk much. There is a natural filtering system that keeps the harmful substances out and lets the good stuff in.

But Which Substances Can Pass Into Breast Milk?

While most substances are filtered out, some can pass into breast milk in small quantities. The amount depends on several factors. They include:

  • The properties of the substance: Fat-soluble substances are more likely to pass into breast milk than water-soluble ones.
  • The amount ingested: The more of a substance you ingest, the higher the chance it might appear in your breast milk.
  • The timing of ingestion: Substances taken closer to a feeding are more likely to be present in your breast milk.

The whitening stuff used in teeth whitening treatments doesn’t usually get into breast milk much.

So, Are Teeth Whitening Pens Safe for Breastfeeding Moms?

Teeth whitening pens are pretty popular for whitening your teeth at home. They are easy to use and usually don’t have as much whitening stuff than the treatments you get at the dentist.

Studies have not found any big risks with using teeth whitening pens while breastfeeding. But there are a couple of things you need to consider:

  • You might accidentally swallow a little bit of the stuff with pens. So, try to pick one with not too much gel. And do not use it right before you feed your baby.
  • Some pens can make your teeth feel sensitive. Especially if your teeth are already sensitive. If that happens, talk to your dentist.

Overall, teeth whitening pens seem like they are fine for breastfeeding moms. But it is always smart to be careful and talk to your dentist first.

Are Teeth Whitening Pens Safe for Breastfeeding Moms.
Photo: protouchskin.com

Does Teeth Whitening while Breastfeeding Affect Your Baby?

Lots of moms worry that whitening their teeth might somehow affect their baby. But the research says it is usually okay:

  • No big worries: Studies haven’t found any bad effects on babies whose moms whitened their teeth while breastfeeding.
  • Taste change: Some moms say their milk tastes a little different right after they whiten their teeth. But that probably won’t bother your baby. If they seem fussy, you could wait a little while after whitening before you feed them.

It’s important to make sure your baby feels good. If they seem upset after you whiten your teeth, talk to your dentist and maybe wait a bit before you feed them again.

Hydrogen Peroxide Teeth Whitening and Breastfeeding: Understanding the Risks

Hydrogen peroxide is a common ingredient in many whitening strips, gels, and in-office treatments you can get. But, like we said before, the minimal amount absorbed into your system when you use it.

Here are a couple more things to think about:

  • How strong it is: The stuff you use at home usually isn’t as strong as what they use at the dentist’s office, so it’s safer.
  • Swallowing it: If you accidentally swallow some, it might cause minor stomach upset in both mother and baby, but it’s usually not a big deal for you or your baby.
  • Sensitivity: Sometimes, hydrogen peroxide can make your teeth feel sensitive, especially if they’re already sensitive. You might want to try something gentler or ask your dentist for other ideas.

So, it seems like hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening is okay for breastfeeding. If you’re concerned about hydrogen peroxide, there are non-peroxide whitening options available. These may be less effective but might be a better choice for breastfeeding mothers with sensitive teeth.

Can a Lactating Mother Whiten Her Teeth? Safe Options and Alternatives

If you’re a breastfeeding mom and you’re thinking about whitening your teeth, here are some things you can try:

  • Professional treatments: These can give you really good results, but they can be expensive. Talk to your dentist about what’s breastfeeding-safe whitening agent.
  • At-Home Whitening Kits: These come with trays and whitening gel you can use at home. They’re not as expensive as going to the dentist, but they take longer to work. Make sure you pick a good brand and follow the instructions carefully.
  • Natural Whitening Methods: Some natural options like baking soda and lemon juice might help a little with whitening. But they can be harsh on your teeth and might not work great. Talk to your dentist before you try them.
  • Whitening strips: These are pretty easy to use at home. Choose strips with a low concentration of peroxide and and don’t use them immediately before breastfeeding.
  • Whitening toothpaste: These toothpastes typically contain mild abrasives or polishing agents to remove surface stains. They don’t make a big difference right away, They offer subtle whitening and are a good option for long-term stain maintenance.

The best way for teeth whitening while breastfeeding depends on what’s best for you. Your dentist can help you figure out what will work for you and keep your baby safe.

Bright Smile While Breastfeeding. teeth whitening while breastfeeding
Photo: rosmaninhoazevedo.com

Maintaining a Bright Smile While Breastfeeding: Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips for maintaining a bright smile while breastfeeding:

  • Practice good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly removes surface stains to keep your teeth clean and shiny.
  • Limit staining foods and drinks. Try not to have too much coffee, tea, red wine, or sugary drinks, because they can stain your teeth. If you do have them, try rinsing your mouth out with water after consuming them.
  • Schedule regular dental cleanings. Get your teeth cleaned by a dentist regularly to get rid of plaque and tartar and keep your smile looking great.

Taking care of your teeth isn’t just about having a nice smile – it’s about staying healthy and well-being too.

In Conclusion: A Happy Smile and a Healthy Baby Can Go Together

Having a beautiful smile can really make you feel great when you’re a new mom. And the good news is that it’s usually safe to whiten your teeth while you’re breastfeeding. By understanding how whitening works and what’s in breast milk, you can make a smart decision. Just remember to always put your baby first and talk to your dentist if you’re not sure what to do.

With a little planning and the right approach, you can have a bright smile and make sure your baby gets all the nourishment they need from breastfeeding.


Does teeth whitening affect baby?

There is no proof that teeth whitening during pregnancy harms your baby, but safety rules exist just to be cautious. If you whitened your teeth without knowing you were pregnant, you don’t need to worry.

Why can’t I use whitening strips while breastfeeding?

Most teeth whitening products have ingredients that haven’t been well studied for safety during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Without proper research, it’s hard to know if these ingredients could harm a developing baby or a breastfed infant.

How can I naturally whiten my teeth?

Try these natural ways to whiten your teeth:
– Eat strawberries.
– Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
– Brush your teeth after eating or drinking.
– Rinse with apple cider vinegar.
– Apply coconut oil.
– Brush your tongue.
– Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Can I fix my teeth while breastfeeding?

Yes, in most cases! Getting dental work done while breastfeeding is safe for you and your baby. Common procedures like fillings, root canals, and extractions use anesthesia that won’t pass through breastmilk. Let your dentist know you’re breastfeeding to discuss medications and plan scheduling. It’s best to address dental issues to prevent them from worsening.


  1. Whitening Teeth during Pregnancy or Breastfeeding? – https://mothertobaby.org/baby-blog/whitening-teeth-during-pregnancy-or-breastfeeding-lets-bite-into-the-subject/
  2. Drugs and Lactation Database – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK501696/
  3. Is it safe to whiten my teeth during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? – https://www.babycentre.co.uk/x1050299/is-it-safe-to-whiten-my-teeth-during-pregnancy-or-while-breastfeeding
  4. Components of human breast milk: from macronutrient to microbiome and microRNA – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7402982/
  5. Does Hydrogen Peroxide Whiten Teeth? – https://www.healthline.com/health/hydrogen-peroxide-teeth-whitening
  6. Teeth Whitening Pen: Pros and Cons – https://southlanddentalcare.com/teeth-whitening-pen-pros-and-cons/

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