Teething and Breastfeeding: A Parent’s Guide to Comfort

Teething and Breastfeeding
Photo Courtesy: lyndseyhookway.com

Key Points

  • The article explains how teething and breastfeeding intersect in a baby’s development. It is mentioned that teething typically starts around six months, but timing varies.
  • Breastfeeding soothes teething discomfort, providing natural pain relief and comfort. Signs of teething include drooling, crankiness, and swollen gums.
  • Teething can make breastfeeding challenging, causing fussiness and frequent nursing.
  • Tips for comforting teething babies include massaging gums, using chilled teething toys, and maintaining good oral hygiene.
  • Breastfeeding during teething can be challenging, but patience and adjusting routines help manage this phase.
  • If a baby bites while nursing, offering teething toys and ensuring a good latch are recommended.

Welcome to the wild ride of motherhood, where each milestone brings its own mix of joys and hurdles. And let me tell you, the teething and breastfeeding phase is no exception! In this guide, we’ll dive into the ups and downs of teething while nursing, offering practical tips and comforting advice to help you steer through this phase with confidence and love.

Understanding Teething

Alright, let’s talk about teething, mama. It’s a big deal in your baby’s life – it’s when those tiny teeth start popping through their gums, and it can start around six months. But every baby is different, so don’t stress if it happens earlier or later. Signs of teething? Oh, you’ll know: drool city, crankiness, and those chubby little gums look like they’re ready to burst!

Does Breastfeeding Delay Teething

Ever wondered if breastfeeding might be the reason those tiny pearly whites are taking their sweet time to appear? It’s a question that pops up often in mommy circles. Well, while every baby is different, there’s no solid evidence to suggest that breastfeeding actually delays teething. Babies typically start teething anywhere between 4 to 7 months, whether they’re breastfed or formula-fed. So, if your little one is taking a bit longer, it’s likely just their unique timeline and nothing to worry about!

Now, what breastfeeding does do is provide a lot of comfort during the teething process. Those sore gums can make your baby pretty cranky, and nursing can be a soothing experience for them. The close contact, the warmth, and the natural pain-relieving properties in breast milk can all help ease teething discomfort. So, while breastfeeding might not delay teething, it certainly offers some much-needed relief when those teeth do start coming in!

The Role of Breastfeeding in Comforting Teething Babies

Breastfeeding is like the superhero of teething – seriously, it’s amazing. Not only does it give your baby the good stuff they need to grow, but it also provides comfort during those tough teething times. Your breast milk? It’s like magic potion, soothing those sore gums with its natural goodness.

Teething and Breastfeeding
Photo Courtesy: breastfeeding.asn.au

Does Teething Affect Breastfeeding?

Girl, you bet it can! Teething can throw a curveball into your breastfeeding routine. Your little one might be fussier at the breast or want to nurse more often – those sore gums make everything a little harder. But hang in there, mama. It’s just a phase, and you’ve got this!

How Do You Deal with Teeth While Breastfeeding?

Dealing with those new pearly whites while nursing takes some patience and TLC. If your baby’s gums are sore, try giving them a gentle massage before nursing. And those teething toys? They’re a lifesaver! Keep ’em chilled in the fridge and let your baby gnaw away – it’ll help numb those gums and ease the pain.

Why Is My Baby Refusing to Breastfeed While Teething?

It’s heartbreaking when your baby turns down the breast, but don’t worry – it’s not you, mama. Teething can make nursing uncomfortable, so your little one might be looking for other ways to soothe those achy gums. Try offering a bottle or a sippy cup with some expressed milk if they’re not interested in nursing.

Tips for Comforting Your Teething Baby:

Alright, let’s talk tactics for comforting your teething tot:

1. Gentle Techniques for Soothing Discomfort:

  • Massage those gums like a pro – a little love goes a long way!
  • Chilled teething toys? Oh, they’re a hit. Pop ’em in the fridge and let your baby go to town.

2. The Power of Distraction:

  • Pull out all the stops – sing, dance, whatever it takes to take their mind off those achy gums.
  • And don’t forget the cuddles – sometimes, a little snuggle time is all they need.
Tips for Comforting Your Teething Baby
Photo Courtesy: milkngrow.com

3. Comfort Foods:

  • Frozen fruits or veggies are like nature’s popsicles – perfect for soothing sore gums.
  • And of course, breastfeeding is always on the menu. It’s comfort food and comfort all rolled into one!

4. Hygiene and Care:

  • Keep those gums clean and healthy with a gentle wipe after feedings.
  • And once those teeth start popping through, it’s time to introduce a soft toothbrush to the mix.

Teething and Breastfeeding at Night

Nighttime nursing sessions can be rough when your baby’s teething. But don’t worry, mama – you’ve got this! Stick to your bedtime routine, offer plenty of cuddles and comfort, and remember that this phase won’t last forever. And hey, if co-sleeping works for you, go for it – anything to get a little extra shut-eye!

Navigating Breastfeeding Challenges During Teething

Teething can throw a wrench into your breastfeeding routine, but don’t let it get you down. Here’s how to tackle some common challenges:

Teething and Breastfeeding Pain:

  • If nursing hurts, try experimenting with different positions until you find one that’s comfortable for both of you.
  • And don’t forget the nipple cream – it’s a lifesaver for those sore spots!

Signs of Teething While Nursing:

  • Keep an eye out for those telltale signs – drooling, chewing on everything in sight, and crankiness galore.
  • Respond to your baby’s cues with plenty of snuggles and comfort.

Teething and Breastfeeding Pain Relief:

  • Cold compresses or teething gels can work wonders for those sore gums – give ’em a try!
  • And remember, breastfeeding itself can provide some much-needed relief for your little one.

Breastfeeding Teething Baby Sore Nipples:

  • If your baby’s biting while nursing, gently remove them from the breast and offer a teething toy instead.
  • Reinforce good latch and breastfeeding etiquette with plenty of praise and patience.

Breastfeeding with Teeth Painful:

If your baby decides to give your nipples a nibble, gently remove them from the breast and offer them a teething toy instead. Reinforce proper latch and breastfeeding etiquette, and soon enough, those little teeth won’t be such a pain in the boob.

Baby Biting While Breastfeeding
Photo Courtesy: spectrababyusa.com

Why Is My Baby Biting While Breastfeeding?

Baby scraping teeth breastfeeding

Biting while breastfeeding? Ouch! It can be a whole new challenge. Believe me, I’ve been there. My little one started teething early, and those first few scrapes left me wincing and wondering how to navigate this new phase. It’s totally normal, mama, but don’t worry – you’re not alone, and there are ways to manage it.

First off, let’s address the pain. When baby’s teeth scrape during breastfeeding, it can feel like a sharp pinch or even a painful scratch. One helpful tip is to ensure your baby has a good latch. Sometimes, a shallow latch can cause more scraping. If your baby is teething, offer a teething toy or a cold washcloth before nursing to help soothe their gums. If the scraping continues, gently break the latch and try again. It’s also okay to give yourself a break if it becomes too painful – pumping and bottle-feeding can be a temporary solution.

Remember, this phase won’t last forever. With a bit of patience and some helpful strategies, you and your baby can continue to enjoy breastfeeding, even through the teething stage.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  • Maintain a Consistent Feeding Routine: While teething might disrupt feeding patterns, try to maintain a consistent breastfeeding schedule as much as possible. This will provide your baby with both nourishment and comfort.
  • Hydration is Key: Increased drooling can lead to dehydration. Offer frequent sips of cool water throughout the day to keep your baby hydrated.
  • Be Patient and Gentle: Teething is a frustrating time for both you and your baby. Be patient, adjust your approach as needed, and offer plenty of love and cuddles.
  • Seek Professional Help: If you’re experiencing persistent pain or difficulty breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to seek help from a lactation consultant or pediatrician. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure a smooth breastfeeding journey during teething.

When to See a Doctor

While teething is a normal developmental process, consult your pediatrician if you notice any of the following:

  • Fever above 100.4°F (38°C)
  • Excessive drooling that leads to dehydration
  • Difficulty sleeping due to persistent pain
  • White patches on your baby’s tongue or inner cheeks (thrush)
  • Bleeding or swelling in the gums
  • Signs of an ear infection (fussiness, pulling on ears)

Final Thoughts

Teething and breastfeeding? Whew, talk about a journey! But hey, with a little know-how and some handy tips, you’ve got this, mama. You’ll breeze through this phase with confidence, giving your teething baby all the comfort and nourishment they need. And guess what? You’re not alone in this ride. Reach out to lactation consultants, join breastfeeding groups, or chat with your pediatrician whenever you need a helping hand. Soak up those snuggles, don’t forget to take care of yourself, and trust your mama instincts – you’ve totally got this covered as you create a cozy and loving space for your little one during this big milestone.

As you navigate the teething journey with your little one, remember: you’re doing an amazing job, mama. Trust your instincts, lean on your support system, and cherish those sweet moments of cuddles and comfort. Teething may be tough, but you and your baby? You’re tougher. So keep on rocking it, mama – you’ve got this!

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with your pediatrician for personalized guidance regarding your baby’s health and well-being.


  1. Breastfeeding and teething – https://laleche.org.uk/breastfeeding-and-teething/
  2. Breastfeeding When Your Baby Is Teething – https://www.verywellfamily.com/breastfeeding-when-your-baby-is-teething-431584
  3. Breastfeeding After Your Baby Gets Teeth – https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/breastfeeding/Pages/When-Your-Baby-Gets-Teeth.aspx
  4. Should I Stop Breastfeeding When Baby Starts Teething? – https://www.healthline.com/health/parenting/teething-breast-feeding
  5. When to See a Dentist About Your Child’s Baby Teeth Not Coming In – https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/when-to-worry-about-baby-teeth-not-coming-in#

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